21st-Century Policing Courses

21st-Century Policing Course - Two-Day Building Entry and Control Tactics Combined for 21st-Century Policing Course

Two-Day Building Entry and Control Tactics Combined for 21st-Century Policing

This course covers single and two Officer responses for calls for service and team tactics for warrant service. Attendants will learn approach considerations for counter-ambush, formations, initial entry, building entry tactics, and control tactics specific to building entry, hallways, and stairs. This course shows how the same tactics for single and dual Officer response can be shared with team warrant service operations and active shooter. This course is ILETSB certified and uses scenario training on day two with role players.

21st-Century Policing Course - Five-day Building Entry and Control Tactics Combined for 21st-Century Policing

Five-day Building Entry and Control Tactics Combined for 21st-Century Policing

This course covers single and two Officer responses for calls for service and team tactics for warrant service.  Attendants will learn all the same items contained in the two-day course with a focus on scenario-based training utilizing airsoft and role players.

21st-Century Policing Course - Two-week Advance Building Entry and Control Tactics Combined for 21st-Century Policing

Two-week Advance Building Entry and Control Tactics Combined for 21st-Century Policing

This course is designed for teams regularly conducting warrant service operations. This course is intensive and concentrates on all the areas taught in the two and five-day courses with significant attention paid to a variety of scenarios utilizing airsoft for the possibility of force on force with role players.

21st-Century Policing Course - Undercover rescue/High-Risk Vehicle Takedown with Vehicle Escape and Evasion Tactics

Undercover rescue/High-Risk Vehicle Takedown with Vehicle Escape and Evasion Tactics

This course is geared towards units conducting undercover/confidential informant operations in a vehicle. Participants will learn how to escape and evade inside a vehicle when dealing with a violent subject. Participants will then learn how to rescue an Undercover Officer/Confidential Informant from a vehicle in deadly force situations. Attendants will then learn how to assault a vehicle in high-risk vehicle takedown operations.

21st-Century Policing Course -Undercover Escape and Evasion Combative Course

Undercover Escape and Evasion Combatives Course

This course is designed for Undercover Officers who need skills beyond arrest techniques taught to law enforcement. This course’s focus is on evasion and escapes from high-risk environments in coordination with an Undercover rescue team. Attendants will learn close-quarter concepts including ground escape and evasion.

21st-Century Policing Course - Custom

CGSI Custom 21st-Century Policing Course

At CGSI we can help customize a course that will fit your unique requirements and compliance.

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